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We stand at the brink of a new era in which artificial intelligence redefines the boundaries of what is possible:

Artificial Intelligence: Driving the Next Wave of Productivity in the Business World.

As experts in the Microsoft environment, we are witnessing the revolutionary changes that artificial intelligence, particularly Microsoft Copilot, is bringing about. This technology not only automates routine tasks and accelerates development but also integrates seamlessly into the Microsoft ecosystem, enabling businesses to benefit from continuous productivity gains and cost efficiency.

With Experts Inside as a partner, businesses benefit from industry-leading expertise and customized solutions in the field of artificial intelligence to optimally enhance their efficiency and productivity in the Microsoft environment.


  • Analyze needs: Together with our clients, we conduct a thorough analysis of the current and future requirements of the business to understand where artificial intelligence can provide the greatest added value.
  • Situation Assessment: We evaluate the current state of the client’s technology and data infrastructure, identify existing capabilities, and determine areas that require development or enhancement.
  • Stakeholder Analysis: Through conversations and workshops with key individuals in the company, we gain a clear picture of the expectations, concerns, and objectives of various stakeholders regarding the use of artificial intelligence.
  • Strategy Development: Based on the insights gained, we work with our clients to develop a customized AI strategy that considers both short-term and long-term business goals.
  • Action Planning: We design a step-by-step action plan that sets clear milestones, responsibilities, and timelines to ensure the successful implementation and scaling of AI solutions.
  • Security & Compliance: Considering industry standards and legal requirements, we ensure, together with our partners, that all client AI initiatives are secure and meet data protection and compliance requirements.


  • Analysis: Starting with a comprehensive examination of the current business landscape to identify specific needs, objectives, and potential challenges. This includes considering data structures, processes, existing technologies, and employee competencies.
  • Pilot Project: Based on the results of the analysis, a smaller, manageable project is selected to test the deployment of the new technology. This serves as a “Proof of Concept” and allows the company to see the value and feasibility of the initiative before making extensive investments.
  • Evaluation of the Pilot Project: After the completion of the pilot project, results are evaluated, feedback from stakeholders is gathered, and experiences are analyzed. This allows for any necessary adjustments to be made for broader implementation.
  • Plan Scaling: Developing a detailed plan on how the solution can be rolled out across the entire company. This includes resource allocations, schedules, training programs, and integration into existing systems.
  • Broad Implementation: Starting with the most suitable departments or business areas, the solution is gradually implemented throughout the company, drawing on the experiences and insights from the pilot project and scaling planning.
  • Continuous Support and Development: Experts Inside remains by the company’s side after implementation, offering regular check-ins, training, and support in adjusting and optimizing the solutions in line with the changing needs and objectives of the company.

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